Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
Coaching am Fluss | Astrid Wiegmann
Im WInkel 3
29364 Langlingen b. Celle
Telefon 0163 – 817 11 51
Pferdegestütztes Coaching | Psychologische Beratung | Persönlichkeitsentwicklung
Wenn uns die Einheit des Innen und Außen verloren gegangen ist, wir abgeschnitten sind von unserer Intuition, unseren Gefühlen, wir unseren Gefühlen nicht trauen, haben wir es schwer mit der Verbindung zu uns selbst und leiden daran.
Genau hier liegt der Schlüssel, zurück in unsere Kraft, in unsere Authentizität und somit unsere Lebendigkeit zu kommen. Persönliche Entwicklung entsteht, indem wir unsere Aufmerksamkeit unserem gegenwärtigen Erleben und unseren Stärken schenken, ohne dabei unsere Vergangenheit zu verleugnen. Das heißt, wir beschäftigen uns im Coaching mit deiner Vergangenheit in der Form, dass wir sie würdigen, wir wissen um ihre Wirkung bis in die Gegenwart hinein. Wir wenden uns aber den Prozessen im Hier und Jetzt zu, denn sie führen dich in die Lösung.
Das kannst du dir gar nicht so richtig vorstellen, denn du probierst es ja schon die ganze Zeit?
Wir haben vielfältige Mechanismen, uns selbst daran zu hindern, zu wachsen und zu innerer Freiheit und Freude zu kommen, diese sind in unserer Sozialisation und Erziehung begründet. Verhaltensweisen, die uns nicht gut tun, lassen sich nicht immer einfach erkennen und schon gar nicht einfach verändern. Durch die vielfältigen Erfahrungen unseres Lebens tragen wir Verletzungen in uns, Angst, Wut oder Gleichgültigkeit nehmen mehr Raum in unserem Leben ein, als uns gut tut. Wir definieren uns über Leistung, Besitz, Sicherheitsdenken, Status, ahnend, dass da noch etwas Anderes Platz beansprucht. Wir fühlen uns eingeschränkt, spüren, dass wir unsere Möglichkeiten, die wir im Gepäck haben, unsere Begabungen und unsere Wünsche und Träume, nicht ausschöpfen und ausleben.
Manchmal bestimmen diese Abwehrmechanismen und Bewältigungsstrategien uns so sehr, dass das Gefühl der Lebendigkeit und Freude am Leben verloren geht. Wir fühlen uns abgeschnitten davon, Nähe und Berührung mit anderen Menschen fallen uns vielleicht schwer oder aber wir sind im Gegenteil zu sehr darauf angewiesen.
Da ist die Traurigkeit, die Unsicherheit, die Wut oder eine undefinierbare Sehnsucht, die sich immer wieder in uns meldet. Dieser Spur wollen wir im Coaching gemeinsam folgen, sie führt dich zu deinem Selbst.
Region Hannover
Region Hannover
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith
I just think is versatile enough. As always, there are better and worst, but I feel satisfied with the product. they are giving what you see in the demo and is a great solution for websites. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque vehicula aliquam eros a tempus. Aenean sodales dictum augue, in faucibus nisi sollicitudin eu. Quisque et urna lacus, quis aliquam purus. Nulla semper arcu vel diam auctor condimentum.
John Smith
developer NASA
Great theme. It’s the second I have bought from you & I am very impressed.. I have bought a lot of themes but only ever given two 5 star ratings, both for your items. Your work is the best on themeforest – cheers!!
Samantha Green
Like the theme design. But the biggest thanks for user support. This is a very important, if not the most important indicator. We will recommend!
Rob Smith